- With your partner, select two words that you feel are both new to you.
- Submit the word within its context.
- Submit your own definition of the word after looking it up.
- Use the word in your own sentence and submit.
"From outside came the clang of horseshoes on the playing peg and the shouts of men, playing, encouraging, jeering."
Jeering- to shout or mock in a demeaning manner
The crowd was very rude as they were yelling and jeering the talent show contestants off the stage.
Taira and Adara:
Context: The fields are black and ploughed, and they lie like a great fan before us, with their furrows gathered in some hand beyond the sky, spreading forth from that hand, opening wide apart as they come towards us, like black pleats that sparkle with thin, green spangles
Definition: To break and dig up earth with a device.
Sentence: Taira’s back hurt because she ploughed her spice garden all day bending down so she could dig up the dirt.
Context: Their head fell back and their arms fell as if their arms and their thin white neck were stricken suddenly with a great lassitude.
Definition: When someone is drained of energy and is tired.
Sentence: The marathon runners’ body gave up in lassitude when he finally collapsed at the end of his ten mile race.
Sanction- To give permission for someone to do something.
Sentence- Souza asked Mr.Zavala for a sanction to use the bathroom during class.
From the Book-"I am the warrant and the sanction."Pg. 94
Bearer-To bring or carry something over to someone
Sentence- Souza was the Bearer of Mr.Zavala's Spicy Ahi.
From the Book-"And he suffered from his deed as all bearers of light suffer."Pg. 99
Joshua V.
Froth-pg. 29
Now union-5-3992 are a sickly lad and sometimes they are stricken with convulsions, when their mouth froths and their eyes turn white.
Definition:to cause to foam
Sentence:My friend was frothing during a seizure.
Christian C.
Solidarity-pg. 47
There are Solidarity 9-6347 who is a bright youth, without fear in day.
Definition: Community of feeling, and purposes
Our community is Solidarity because weshare and care for each other.
Page 62: Fathom.
Quote From Book: "But tonight, for a reason we cannot fathom , we wish it were possible to us to know the likeness of our own person."
Definition: To penetrate to the meaning or nature of; comprehend.
Original Sentence: We couldn't fathom the reason why we wanted a hotdog so bad, but we were craving it for an unknown reason.
Page 97: Botched.
Quote From Book: "What is my freedom, if all creatures even the botched and the importent, are my masters?"
Definition: To ruin through clumsiness.
Original Sentence: As Maurice was rushing to deliver the cupcakes, he botched his way through crowds of people then ended up dropping the cupcakes, making a really big mess.
"And the day will come when I shall break all the chins of the earth, and raze the cities o the enslaved and my home shall become the capitol of a world where each man will be free to exist for his own sake" Pg. 104
Raze (v.) To destroy completely
Austins fart was so rank that the entire island was razed.
pg. 45
"they took the bag of seeds, and they threw the seeds into the furrows of the earth as they walked away"
furrow-noun-a narrow groove made in the ground
When Dustin sat down he was so heavy that he left a huge furrow in the ground.
Kaitlyn M & Skylar:
Pulpit pg.27
Context: "The candles are lit, and the councils of different homes stand in the pulpit, and they speak to us of our duties and of our brother men."
Def: noun. A raised platform in a church where the preacher speaks or on the bow of a boat.(int this case a church)
Sentence: As the preacher finished speaking, he stepped down from the pulpit, allowing the priest to take his place.
Befell pg. 22
Context: "And if sometimes, in the secret darkness of our heart, we regret that which befell us on our fifteenth birthday, we know that it was through our own guilt."
Def: verb. Something bad to happen
Sentence: A tornado befell upon the city and caused devastation and destruction.
Eryn & Rachel
Damnation: (Pg. 82) noun. A phrase used to convey great anger at someone.
From the book ~ "'We have followed you.' They said. 'And we shall follow you whenever you go. If danger threatens you, we shall face it also. If it be death, we shall die with you. You are damned, and we wish to share your damnation.'"
Original Sentence ~ "After catching her boyfriend cheating with one of her close friends, Lilly wished damnation upon the both of them, secretly praying that they both suffer a horrible life crisis."
Weariness: (Pg. 82) (noun) to grow tired and bored with.
From the book ~ "The white tunic was torn, and the branches has cut the skin of their arms, but they spoke as if they had never taken notice of it, nor or weariness, nor of fear."
Original Sentence ~ "Extended class periods on B-Days caused the students to experience weariness by the time the last period of the day rolled around; half of them even fell asleep on their textbooks."
LODESTONE: a piece of magnetite or other naturally magnetized mineral, able to be used as a magnet.
Page 53
CONTEXT: " It makes the needle move and turn on the compass which we stole from the House of Scholars; but we had been taught, when still a child that the lodestone points to the north and this is a law which nothing can change; yet our new powers defies all new laws.
OWN DEFINITION: Mineral that is naturally magnetized that can be used as a magnet on a compass
OWN SENTENCE: On a compass the lodestone will tell you which way you are going as it is attracted to the North Pole.
VOCATIONS: a strong feeling of suitability for a particular career or occupation page. 25
CONTEXT: The Council of Vocations came on the first day of spring, and they sat in the great hall.
OWN DEFINITION: Great feelings of what job you are suited for.
OWN SENTENCE: Taylor Takahashi had vocations that Dior Motas, would have the occupation of physical therapist.
Eryn and Rachel
Damnation: (Pg. 82) noun. A phrase used to convey great anger at someone.
From the book ~ "'We have followed you.' They said. 'And we shall follow you whenever you go. If danger threatens you, we shall face it also. If it be death, we shall die with you. You are damned, and we wish to share your damnation.'"
Original Sentence ~ "After catching her boyfriend cheating with one of her close friends, Lilly wished damnation upon the both of them, secretly praying that they both suffer a horrible life crisis."
Weariness: (Pg. 82) (noun) to grow tired and bored with.
From the book ~ "The white tunic was torn, and the branches has cut the skin of their arms, but they spoke as if they had never taken notice of it, nor or weariness, nor of fear."
Original Sentence ~ "Extended class periods on B-Days caused the students to experience weariness by the time the last period of the day rolled around; half of them even fell asleep on their textbooks."
Transgressor (pg 51)- To go too far (ex. commit a crime)
Lina got bullied by and yelled at by her teacher,so she transgression by punching her teacher in the face for not doing classwork.
Context- "But it seemed to us that the eyes of the transgressor has chosen us from the crowd and were looking straight upon us. "
Endeavoring- (pg.93)- to strive for something
Kaitlyn's parents would only let her go shopping if she had all A's so she Endeavored to get all A's.
Context- "What is the secret our heart has understood and yet will not reveal to us, although it seems to beat as if it were endeavoring to tell it?"
BY: Lina Nguyen & Kaitlyn Dacoscos
By: Brooke yoshida & Taylor Takahashi
Reprimanded: pg 45
Quote- “so we were reprimanded tonight, in the dining hall, for without knowing it we had begun to sing aloud some tune we have never heard.”
Definition- Expresses disapproval or criticism of someone because of their behavior or actions.
Sentence- When Dior got an F on her biology test, her parents reprimanded Dior and grounded for a year because it brought her whole grade down to a D.
Furrow: pg.38
Quote: “ And there it was that we saw Liberty 5-3000 walking along the furrows.”
Definition- A long narrow trench made in the ground by a plow.
Sentence: Taylor was excited to plant her seeds in her furrow at the farm that she dug 5 inches deep and 6 feet long
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