- Obstreperous-Boisterous, noisy
- Regurgitate-to vomit ; (v) to throw back exactly
- Gluttony-overindulgence in food or drink
- Transgress-To break a law
- Malevolent-Wishing evil to others
- Beguile-to trick, deceive
- Balk-to stop, block abruptly
- Deter-To frighten away
- Lurid-Gruesome; horrible
- Plough- To break and dig up earth with a device.
- Lassitude- When someone is drained of energy and is tired.
- Solidarity-unity or agreement of feeling or action, esp. among individuals with a common interest
- Froth-a mass of small bubbles in liquid caused by agitation; foam
- Lodestone- a piece of magnetite or other naturally magnetized mineral, able to be used as a magnet
- Vocation-a strong feeling of suitability for a particular career or occupation
- Raze-To destroy completely
- Furrow-a long narrow trench made in the ground by a plow
- Damnation-A phrase used to convey great anger at someone
- Weariness-extreme tiredness; fatigue
- Transgressor- To go too far beyond moral principles(ex. commit a crime)
- Reprimand-Expresses disapproval or criticism of someone because of their behavior or actions
- Bearer- a person or thing that carries or holds something
- Sanction- official permission or approval for an action
- Pulpit-A raised platform in a church where the preacher speaks or on the bow of a boat
- Befell-of something bad happen to someone
- Botch-To ruin through clumsiness
- Fathom-to penetrate to the meaning or nature of; comprehend
- Endeavor- to strive or try hard for something
Saturday, April 21, 2012
4th Quarter Vocabulary
Here is the vocabulary list of words, that as class was taken from gotbrainy.com and The Anthem by Ayn Rand. Study these words as they will be on the vocabulary assessment this coming Wednesday 4/25.
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