Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Brainy Pix Vocabulary Graphic: UPDATED 1/23/12

I have added in the names of the students who signed up for each word. As of today, we have received 17 out of 20 Brainy Pix. Stay tuned for updates on Jupiter Grades!
Additional Task: Please post your vocabulary word, definition, and original sentence as a comment to this blog. That will make it easier for me to compile all of the vocabulary to give to you for use and for later exams.
Deadline: Wednesday, January 25, 2012.

  1. Check out the Brainy PIX on the Got Brainy Website (also linked from our MeneMAC website)
  2. With a partner assess four brainy pix, being sure to fill in your rubric completely and specifically and to include BOTH YOUR NAMES.
  3. Then, INDIVIDUALLY select a word from the list below to create YOUR OWN brainy pix. You may choose to work in pairs but must do TWO WORDS, if you prefer the “moral support” of a partner.
    • Pic must include a photo you have taken yourself
    • Pic must show Photoshop techniques
    • Let Mrs. Koenig or Mr. Zavala know what word(s) you have selected to be sure there are no duplications.

  5. RUBRIC and word selection due: TODAY
  6. Brainy Pix due: Friday, January 27, as JPG file.

Word List
  1. adhere (8) v, to stick to something ; to follow devoutly Ryan
  2. affable (12) adj, Easy to approach, personable
  3. ambivalent (4) adj, Uncertain; having contradictory feelings
  4. antithesis (8) n, the absolute opposite Joshua
  5. decry (6) v, to criticize openly Taylor
  6. diminutive (11) adj, miniature, small Maurice
  7. dubious (6) adj, Questionable; undecided Skylar
  8. figurative (1) adj, Symbolic; representative
  9. fickle (16) adj, Likely to change, especially one's feelings or attachment; capricious
  10. forlorn (7) adj, Lonely and sad; despairing Eryn
  11. fractious (4) adj, troublesome or irritable
  12. inarticulate (5) adj, Speechless; unable to express oneself clearly Taira
  13. irascible (4) adj, Prone to anger Joy
  14. lucid (29) adj, Easily understood; clear Brooke
  15. morose (71) adj, Gloomy; melancholy Lina
  16. pacify (10) v, To bring into a peaceful state; to appease, calm Kaitlyn M
  17. renunciation (2) n, The act of abandoning or giving up something like a right or title
  18. repudiate (20) v, To refuse to have anything to do with
  19. salient (3) adj, Standing out prominently; striking, remarkable Rachel
  20. soothsayer (8) n, One who claims to predict the future
  21. static (74) adj, Not moving, stationary Branden
  22. taciturn (52) adj, Silent, reserved Dustin
  23. uncanny (27) adj, of supernatural character or origin Austin
  24. ubiquitous (77) adj, Being present everywhere
  25. utopia (8) n, an imaginary and remote place of perfection Dior
  26. veracity (4) n, Truthfulness
  27. vigilant (7) adj, Being on the alert; watchful Christian
  28. wily (10) adj, crafty, sly Adara
  29. winsome (23) adj, Cheerful; merry; pleasant Alex


Adara Pineda said...

Wily (adj) crafty, sly

Sentence:The wily thief stole from the lady without her knowing.

Skylar Manuel said...

Dubious: adj. undecided

Sentence: Karla was dubious of the answer may be after changing it a few times.

Joy said...

Irascible: adj, Prone to anger

Sentence: The irascible girl blew up when she lost her phone.

Katiee said...

Pacify (v), To bring into a peaceful state; to appease, calm.

Sentence: After a long day alex decides to Pacify by doing the yoga pose to clean out her mind.

taylor takahashi said...

decry (verb), to criticize openly

Sentence: Maurice decried the child about his hair so the child started to cry.

Eryn Yuasa said...

Forlorn (adj); Feeling abandoned and lonely.
Ashley was filled with a forlorn feeling as she looked at her best friend and her new boyfriend.

Rachel said...

Salient (adj) very noticeable, easy to pick out.

Sentence: Her most salient trait is her very loud voice.

Taira! :) said...

inarticulate adj, Speechless; unable to express oneself clearly

Sentence: Taira was inarticulate to others.

Alexandra (: said...

Winsome (adj), cheerful; merry; pleasant.

The students were having suck a wonderful day, that they all wore winsome smiles on their faces.

Brooke said...

Lucid (adj.) understood, clear

Sentence: Brooke and Dior are lucid of their homework.

Joshjv said...

Antithesis: n, the absolute opposite

Sentence: Its was an antithesis when the boy was watching the couch.

(Joshua Villanueva

Ryan Souza said...

adhere (adj) to stick to something

branden adhere to continue on his video project

Brooke said...
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Brooke said...
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Brooke said...
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Christian said...

(adj) Watchful, aware

When you're small you need to be vigilant because anything could be a threat.

Dkpalea said...

Taciturn adj. Silent, Reserved

Original Sentence: "The taciturn girl was very quiet, and shy".

branden said...

static (74) adj, Not moving, stationary

Sentence:Troy and Dilon are running around the stationary people sitting down.

dior! said...

utopia (noun) , an imaginary and remote place of perfection

sentence: My utopia is a place where everyone is always happy, there are beautiful houses, junk food, and that there is love and peace.

Maurice said...

diminutive (11) adj, miniature, small

SENTENCE: He was diminutive compared to the computers.

k a i t l y n m . said...

Ambivalent (adj) Uncertain; having contradicting feelings.

Anna had ambivalent feelings about whether she should finish writting her essay or Tumblr.

Lina Nguyen said...

Morose - sad, gloomy

Brooke was morose after Branden broke up with her.