Sunday, July 31, 2011

Blog Post #1: Roots & Recipes Plans

This assignment has two parts: 1)YOUR post and 2) your COMMENTS to two of your team members

On YOUR OWN BLOG, create a post that answers the following questions for your essay.
  1. What food will you be describing?
  2. What are some special memories it has for you?
  3. What are some sensory details that will help bring the food “to life” for your readers?
  4. Who will you be interviewing about your food?

Once you have posted, find your TWO of your teammates' blogs and COMMENT on their Roots and Recipes posts. [This is the "two gives and two gets" requirement for all major writing.]

Double check to be sure your comment actually appears. You need to have logged in and you need to type in the random letters in order to have your comment saved and posted. You must post to get credit.